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Sub Components

We created some subcomponents to make the creation of a filter as easy as possible!

  • Filter: a filter title that wraps the filter inside it, including collapse/ expand logic
  • GeneralFilter: a general single filter with checkboxes (includes Filter as a wrapper)
  • PriceFilter: a price filter component (includes Filter as a wrapper)
  • SwitchFilter: a true / false filter (includes Filter as a wrapper)
  • ColorFilter: a swatch based filter for color based filters (includes Filter as a wrapper)
  • RatingFilter: a score based filter for rating filters (stars) (includes Filter as a wrapper)
  • CategoryListFilter: a filter for category navigation - displays all categories A-Z (includes Filter as a wrapper)
  • RemovableTags: tags that can be used to display selected filters, clicking them will clear this filter
  • SingleFilter: display a single filter



import {Filter, GeneralFilter, PriceFilter,SwitchFilter} from "fast-component-library/Filter";
import {useFastState} from "fast-component-library";

const MyFilter = ({ id, values, name, setNarrow}) => {
const {narrow, results} = useFastState();

const onNarrow = (facetID, facetName) => {
/* handle here

// end with:
setNarrow(facetID, facetName);

const isChecked = (facetName) => {
return Boolean(narrow && narrow.find(term => term[0] === id && term[1] === facetName))

if(id === "Types"){
return <GeneralFilter name={name} onNarrow={onNarrow} values={values} id={id} key={id}/>

if(id === "On-Sale"){
return <SwitchFilter id={id} name={name} onNarrow={onNarrow} key={id}/>

if(id === "Price"){
const max = results.facets.find(facet => facet[0] === "Price_max")?.[1][0];
const min = results.facets.find(facet => facet[0] === "Price_min")?.[1][0];
if (max && min) {
return <PriceFilter id={id} values={values} priceMin={min} priceMax={max}
name={name} onNarrow={onNarrow} key={id}/>

return (
<Filter name={name}>
{ => {
return (
<li className={"single-facet"}>
<input type={"checkbox"} checked={isChecked(value)} className={"facet-checkbox"} onChange={() => onNarrow(id, value)}/>
<label className={"facet-name"}>{value}</label>

export default MyFilter;
import {Results, ProductGrid,FastSimonApi,SearchBox, Filters} from "fast-simon-react-component-libray";
import React from "react";
import MyFilter from "../components"

export const App = () => {
return (
<FastSimonApi storeID={1} uuid={"rand-omuu-id12-3456"}>
Search: <SearchBox/>

<Filters renderFilter={MyFilter}/>



namestring (required)Filter title
collapsedSymbolstring (default="+")Symbol shown on the right side when collapsed
notCollapsedSymbolstring (default="-")Symbol shown on the right side when expanded
isCollapsedboolean (default=false)Filter default collapse state
classNamestringCustom class for the filter element
idstringFilter ID, this will crete a data attribute
customClasses{header?: string, children?: string}Custom classes for this wrapper


idstring (required)Filter title
namestring (required)Symbol shown on the right side when expanded
isCollapsedboolean (default=false)Filter default collapse state
onNarrowGeneralFilterNarrowFunconChange event for the filter checkbox
customClassesGeneralFilterCustomClassesCustom classes for the filter element
childrenReact.ReactNodeif you want a custom node before the filter values
props, mostly if you want to add custom classes to the wrapper


idstring (required)Filter title
valuesFacetValue[]Filter values
namestring (required)Symbol shown on the right side when expanded
priceMinnumber (required)Filter min price
PriceMaxnumber (required)Filter max price
onNarrowGeneralFilterNarrowFunconChange event for the filter slider/ checkbox
usePriceRangeboolean (default=true)onChange event for the filter slider/ checkbox
sliderProps"rc-slider" Range propsCustom props for the Range component
customClassesPriceFilterCustomClassesCustom classes for the filter element
props, mostly if you want to add custom classes to the wrapper


idstring (required)Filter title
namestring (required)Symbol shown on the right side when expanded
onNarrowGeneralFilterNarrowFunconChange event for the filter slider/ checkbox
customClassesSwitchFilterCustomClassesCustom classes for the filter element
props, mostly if you want to add custom classes to the wrapper


idstring (required)Filter title
namestring (required)Symbol shown on the right side when expanded
isCollapsedboolean (default=false)Filter default collapse state
onNarrowGeneralFilterNarrowFunconChange event for the filter checkbox
customClassesColorFilterCustomClassesCustom classes for the filter element
childrenReact.ReactNodeif you want a custom node before the filter values
props, mostly if you want to add custom classes to the wrapper


idstring (required)Filter title
valuesFacetValue[]Filter values
namestring (required)Symbol shown on the right side when expanded
isCollapsedboolean (default=false)Filter default collapse state
customClassesRatingFilterCustomClassesCustom classes for the filter element
props, mostly if you want to add custom classes to the wrapper
colorstringstar fill color


idstring (required)Filter title
namestring (required)Symbol shown on the right side when expanded
isCollapsedboolean (default=false)Filter default collapse state
childrenReact.ReactNodeif you want a custom node before the filter values
props, mostly if you want to add custom classes to the wrapper
onClick(category: FastCategory) => voidcategory clicked callback

Removable Tags

customCloseIconReact.ReactNodecustom close icon
customClassesRemovableTagsCustomClassescustom classes
noGroupNameboolean (default=false)false="{filter_group}:{filter_name}", true="{filter_name}"

Single Filter

filterFacet (required)the facet you want to render
renderFilterRenderFilterFuncrender a custom filter. undefined will render default
onCategoryFilterClick(category: FastCategory) => voidcallback when a category filter is clicked (collection only)
redirectTypeRedirectTypesingle-page - will use
to url, multi page will redirect to url directly
classNamestringcustom class


interface GeneralFilterCustomClasses{
filterWrapper?: string
filterItem?: string
checkbox?: string
count?: string

interface SwitchFilterCustomClasses{
filter?: string
switch?: string

interface PriceFilterCustomClasses{
filter?: string
range?: string
rangeWrapper?: string

interface RatingFilterCustomClasses {
checkbox?: string
item?: string
stars?: string
filter?: string

interface ColorFilterCustomClasses {
swatch?: string
item?: string
label?: string

export interface RemovableTagsCustomClasses {
wrapper?: string
item?: string
clearAll?: string