Sub Components
We created some subcomponents to make the creation of a filter as easy as possible!
- Filter: a filter title that wraps the filter inside it, including collapse/ expand logic
- GeneralFilter: a general single filter with checkboxes (includes Filter as a wrapper)
- PriceFilter: a price filter component (includes Filter as a wrapper)
- SwitchFilter: a true / false filter (includes Filter as a wrapper)
- ColorFilter: a swatch based filter for color based filters (includes Filter as a wrapper)
- RatingFilter: a score based filter for rating filters (stars) (includes Filter as a wrapper)
- CategoryListFilter: a filter for category navigation - displays all categories A-Z (includes Filter as a wrapper)
- RemovableTags: tags that can be used to display selected filters, clicking them will clear this filter
- SingleFilter: display a single filter
import {Filter, GeneralFilter, PriceFilter,SwitchFilter} from "fast-component-library/Filter";
import {useFastState} from "fast-component-library";
const MyFilter = ({ id, values, name, setNarrow}) => {
const {narrow, results} = useFastState();
const onNarrow = (facetID, facetName) => {
/* handle here
// end with:
setNarrow(facetID, facetName);
const isChecked = (facetName) => {
return Boolean(narrow && narrow.find(term => term[0] === id && term[1] === facetName))
if(id === "Types"){
return <GeneralFilter name={name} onNarrow={onNarrow} values={values} id={id} key={id}/>
if(id === "On-Sale"){
return <SwitchFilter id={id} name={name} onNarrow={onNarrow} key={id}/>
if(id === "Price"){
const max = results.facets.find(facet => facet[0] === "Price_max")?.[1][0];
const min = results.facets.find(facet => facet[0] === "Price_min")?.[1][0];
if (max && min) {
return <PriceFilter id={id} values={values} priceMin={min} priceMax={max}
name={name} onNarrow={onNarrow} key={id}/>
return (
<Filter name={name}>
values.map(value => {
return (
<li className={"single-facet"}>
<input type={"checkbox"} checked={isChecked(value)} className={"facet-checkbox"} onChange={() => onNarrow(id, value)}/>
<label className={"facet-name"}>{value}</label>
export default MyFilter;
import {Results, ProductGrid,FastSimonApi,SearchBox, Filters} from "fast-simon-react-component-libray";
import React from "react";
import MyFilter from "../components"
export const App = () => {
return (
<FastSimonApi storeID={1} uuid={"rand-omuu-id12-3456"}>
Search: <SearchBox/>
<Filters renderFilter={MyFilter}/>
Option | Type | Description |
name | string (required) | Filter title |
collapsedSymbol | string (default="+") | Symbol shown on the right side when collapsed |
notCollapsedSymbol | string (default="-") | Symbol shown on the right side when expanded |
isCollapsed | boolean (default=false) | Filter default collapse state |
className | string | Custom class for the filter element |
id | string | Filter ID, this will crete a data attribute |
customClasses | {header?: string, children?: string} | Custom classes for this wrapper |
Option | Type | Description |
id | string (required) | Filter title |
values | FacetValue[] | CategoryFacetValue[] |
name | string (required) | Symbol shown on the right side when expanded |
isCollapsed | boolean (default=false) | Filter default collapse state |
onNarrow | GeneralFilterNarrowFunc | onChange event for the filter checkbox |
customClasses | GeneralFilterCustomClasses | Custom classes for the filter element |
children | React.ReactNode | if you want a custom node before the filter values |
filterWrapperProps | FilterWrapperProps | props, mostly if you want to add custom classes to the wrapper |
Option | Type | Description |
id | string (required) | Filter title |
values | FacetValue[] | Filter values |
name | string (required) | Symbol shown on the right side when expanded |
priceMin | number (required) | Filter min price |
PriceMax | number (required) | Filter max price |
onNarrow | GeneralFilterNarrowFunc | onChange event for the filter slider/ checkbox |
usePriceRange | boolean (default=true) | onChange event for the filter slider/ checkbox |
sliderProps | "rc-slider" Range props | Custom props for the Range component |
customClasses | PriceFilterCustomClasses | Custom classes for the filter element |
filterWrapperProps | FilterWrapperProps | props, mostly if you want to add custom classes to the wrapper |
Option | Type | Description |
id | string (required) | Filter title |
name | string (required) | Symbol shown on the right side when expanded |
onNarrow | GeneralFilterNarrowFunc | onChange event for the filter slider/ checkbox |
customClasses | SwitchFilterCustomClasses | Custom classes for the filter element |
filterWrapperProps | FilterWrapperProps | props, mostly if you want to add custom classes to the wrapper |
Option | Type | Description |
id | string (required) | Filter title |
values | FacetValue[] | ColorFamilyFacetValue[] |
name | string (required) | Symbol shown on the right side when expanded |
isCollapsed | boolean (default=false) | Filter default collapse state |
onNarrow | GeneralFilterNarrowFunc | onChange event for the filter checkbox |
customClasses | ColorFilterCustomClasses | Custom classes for the filter element |
children | React.ReactNode | if you want a custom node before the filter values |
filterWrapperProps | FilterWrapperProps | props, mostly if you want to add custom classes to the wrapper |
Option | Type | Description |
id | string (required) | Filter title |
values | FacetValue[] | Filter values |
name | string (required) | Symbol shown on the right side when expanded |
isCollapsed | boolean (default=false) | Filter default collapse state |
customClasses | RatingFilterCustomClasses | Custom classes for the filter element |
filterWrapperProps | FilterWrapperProps | props, mostly if you want to add custom classes to the wrapper |
color | string | star fill color |
Option | Type | Description |
id | string (required) | Filter title |
name | string (required) | Symbol shown on the right side when expanded |
isCollapsed | boolean (default=false) | Filter default collapse state |
children | React.ReactNode | if you want a custom node before the filter values |
filterWrapperProps | FilterWrapperProps | props, mostly if you want to add custom classes to the wrapper |
onClick | (category: FastCategory) => void | category clicked callback |
Removable Tags
Option | Type | Description |
customCloseIcon | React.ReactNode | custom close icon |
customClasses | RemovableTagsCustomClasses | custom classes |
noGroupName | boolean (default=false) | false="{filter_group}:{filter_name}", true="{filter_name}" |
Single Filter
Option | Type | Description |
filter | Facet (required) | the facet you want to render |
renderFilter | RenderFilterFunc | render a custom filter. undefined will render default |
onCategoryFilterClick | (category: FastCategory) => void | callback when a category filter is clicked (collection only) |
redirectType | RedirectType | single-page - will use to url, multi page will redirect to url directly |
className | string | custom class |
interface GeneralFilterCustomClasses{
filterWrapper?: string
filterItem?: string
checkbox?: string
count?: string
interface SwitchFilterCustomClasses{
filter?: string
switch?: string
interface PriceFilterCustomClasses{
filter?: string
range?: string
rangeWrapper?: string
interface RatingFilterCustomClasses {
checkbox?: string
item?: string
stars?: string
filter?: string
interface ColorFilterCustomClasses {
swatch?: string
item?: string
label?: string
export interface RemovableTagsCustomClasses {
wrapper?: string
item?: string
clearAll?: string