TypeScript Types
interface Product {
c: string // currency
d: string // description
f: number // product merch stuff
id: string // product id
iso: boolean // is sold out
l: string // product title
p: string // price
p_c: string // comapre price
p_max: string
p_max_c: string
p_min: string
p_min_c: string
p_spl: number
review: number // review score
reviews_count: number // review count
s: string // sku (shopify foramt)
sku: string // sku
skus: string[] // skus
t: string // main image
t2: string // fallback image
u: string // url
v_c: number // varaint count
vra: Variant[] //product variants
vrc: object
att?: Attribute[] // product attribiutes
alt?: AlternativeProduct[] // alternative (sibiling) products
type Variant = [string, VariantData[]]
type VariantData = [string, string[]]
type Attribute = [string, AttributeData[]]
type AttributeData = [string, string[]]
export type AlternativeProduct = [AlternativeProductName, AlternativeProductURL, productID?]
type AlternativeProductName = string
type AlternativeProductURL = string
type productID = number
type Narrow = [FilterGroupName, FilterValue]
type FilterGroupName = string
type FilterValue = string
type AppType = "SPA" | "MPA";
type SortBy = "price_min_to_max" | "price_max_to_min" | "creation_date"|
"creation_date_oldest" | "popularity" | "reviews" | "a_to_z"|
"z_to_a" | 'relevency'
interface AutocompleteCategory {
d: string
id: string
l: string
p_id: string
t: string
u: string
parent_name?: string
interface AutocompleteTurbolinks {
l: string
t: string
u: string
interface AutocompleteProduct {
c: string
d: string
f: number
id: string
l: string
p: string
p_c: string
p_max: string
p_max_c: string
p_min: string
p_min_c: string
s: string
sku: string
skus: string[]
real_sku?: string
t: string
t2: string
u: string
image_id?: string // if using image optimization switch
interface PopularSearch {
label: string
type: "p"
type Facet = [string, FacetValues | CategoryFacetValue, string, boolean, number]
type FacetValues = [string, number]
type CategoryFacetValue = [string, number, string, string]
Smart Collections
type CategoryAncestor = [string, string, string]
Upsell & Cross-sell
interface Specs {
sources: Source[]
maxSuggestions: number
collectionIDs?: string[] // "categoriesIds" is also supported
widgetID: string
type Source =
| "related_purchase"
| "related_views"
| "related_cart"
| "similar_products"
| "related_recently_viewed"
| "similar_products_by_attributes"
| "similar_products_lookalike"
| "related_top_products"
Visual Discovery
Image Search Callback Action Type
type action = "ImageSearch" | "Error"
Image Search Callback Payload Type
interface Payload {
image_id: string;
items: Product[];
method: string;
bbox?: Box[];
Image Search Callback Payload Box Type
interface Box {
name: string; //Name of the detected object.
position: Position;
dot: Dot;
coords: number[];
person: string;
interface Position {
width: number;
height: number;
top: number;
left: number;
interface Dot {
name: string;
x: number;
y: number;
productSuggestions: any[]; // Define based on your actual data structure
person: string;
id: string;
"bbox": [
"name": "top",
"bb": [0.25585938, 0.2890625, 0.7734375, 0.734375],
"position": {
"left": 25.58,
"top": 28.90,
"width": 51.75,
"height": 44.53
"dot": {
"x": 51.46,
"y": 51.17,
"name": "top"
"name": "skirt",
"bb": [0.28710938, 0.703125, 0.69140625, 0.99609375],
"position": {
"left": 28.71,
"top": 70.31,
"width": 40.42,
"height": 29.29
"dot": {
"x": 48.92,
"y": 84.96,
"name": "skirt"