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Implementing Upsell & Cross-Sell Product Recommendations

Fast Simon JavaScript SDK allows developers to embed product recommendations that includes Fast Simon advanced BigData AI, Merchandising, Personalization and more.

Using the Fast Simon JavaScript SDK, you can easily follow the following pattern to place a recommendation snippet in a product page:

  • Retrieve recommedations for a given shopper and viewed product

  • Render a product carousel for shoppers

  • Report shopper activity visiting recommendations

1. Getting Recommendations

The productRecommendationByWidget method allows you to get Upsell & Cross-Sell Product Recommendations for a given shopper.

The Upsell & Cross-Sell Product Recommendations method utilizes the Fast Simon algorithms to present the best conversion optimized via the Fast Simon SDK.

New Approach

productID: "1233231",
withAttributes: false,
widgetsIDS: ["123457878"],
callback: (response) => {
const payload = response.payload;

if (payload.length > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < payload.length; i++) {
const widgetPayload = payload[0].payload;
if (widgetPayload) {
const recommendationItems = => {
const productDetail = item;
return {
variantId: productDetail.vra[0][0],
title: productDetail.l,
price: "$" + productDetail.p,
regularPrice: "$" + productDetail.p_c,
imageUrl: productDetail.t,
imageUrl2: productDetail.t2,
href: productDetail.u


The productRecommendationByWidget request options:

productIDstring (required)Currently viewed product
callbackresponse void (required)Callback to render the recommendations.
recentstring[]List of recently viewed products
widgetsIDSwidgetsIDS[]List of widget IDS
withAttributesboolean Default: falseDetermines whether to include attributes in the product response. Note: might increase latency, so use only if you need product tags or attributes.

The productRecommendation Response


actionstringIndicates the type of action performed, e.g., "recommendations".
payloadRecommendationItem[]An array of RecommendationItem objects representing recommendation items.

Description: The RecommendationResponse interface represents a response object containing information about a recommendation action.


categoriesIDsstring[]An array of category IDs related to the item.
productIDstringThe ID of the product associated with the item.
widgetIDstringThe ID of the widget related to the item.
payloadProductDetail[]An array of ProductDetail objects containing details of the product.
sourcesstringA string representing the sources of the item.

Description: The RecommendationItem interface represents a single recommendation item with various properties describing the item and its associated details.


idstringThe ID of the product.
vrastring[][]An array containing variant information.
lstringThe title or label of the product.
pnumberThe price of the product.
p_cnumberThe regular price of the product.
tstringThe URL of the product's image.
t2stringAn additional URL of the product's image.
ustringThe URL of the product's page.

Description: The ProductDetail interface represents details of a product, including its ID, variants, title, prices, images, and page URL.

2. Rendering Upsell & Cross-Sell Product Recommendations per Shopper Query

Having a personalized upsell & cross-sell product results is key to optimizing user experience and conversion optimization. Below is a short code snippet illustrating showing recommendations.

function renderRecommendationWidget(recommendationItems) {
// Create a container div for the widget
const widgetContainer = document.createElement("div");
widgetContainer.className = "recommendation-widget";

// Create a heading for the widget
const widgetHeading = document.createElement("h2");
widgetHeading.textContent = "You may also like";

// Create a list to hold the recommendation items
const recommendationList = document.createElement("ul");

// Iterate through the recommendation items and create list items
recommendationItems.forEach((item) => {
const listItem = document.createElement("li");

// Create an image element for the product image
const image = document.createElement("img");
image.src = item.imageUrl;
image.alt = item.title;

// Create a link to the product page
const productLink = document.createElement("a");
productLink.href = item.href;
productLink.textContent = item.title;

// Create a paragraph for the product price
const priceParagraph = document.createElement("p");
priceParagraph.textContent = item.price;

// Append elements to the list item

// Append the list item to the recommendation list
// Append the heading and recommendation list to the container

// Append the widget container to the document or a specific element

3. Reporting Shopper Activity

Whenever a shopper selects a product from the product recommendations, Fast Simon needs to report the activity.

Product Clicked in Product Recommendations Event

eventName: window.FastSimonEventName.RecommendationProductClicked,
data: {
query: term,
productID: "234213423"

Event type RecommendationProductClicked options:

productIDstringProduct ID chosen by the shopper
positionstringPosition of the product in the widget / popup (counted from 1)
sourceProductIDstringsource product ID (example product page product ID)