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Facets Only Usage


getFacetsOnly Function

The getFacetsOnly function retrieves the facets from the collection or search results. It allows you to load only the relevant facet data, optimizing performance by fetching non-critical data after the initial page load.

Return Object

The function returns a Promise of an object of type Facet[]. Each facet represents a filtering option available in the collection or search results.

Usage Example

export async function loader(args: LoaderFunctionArgs) {
// Start fetching non-critical data without blocking time to first byte
const deferredData = loadDeferredData(args);

// Await the critical data required to render initial state of the page
const criticalData = await loadCriticalData(args);

const facets = {
facets: criticalData.collection.getFacetsOnly
? criticalData.collection.getFacetsOnly()
: criticalData.collection.facets,
const dashboardConfig = {
dashboardConfig: args.context.fastSimon.getDashboardConfig({
cacheStrategy: CacheLong(),
return defer({...criticalData, ...facets, ...dashboardConfig});


1. Non-Critical Data:

loadDeferredData is used to fetch non-critical data that won't block the initial render.

2. Critical Data:

loadCriticalData fetches the essential data that is needed for rendering the page.

3. Facets Fetching:

The getFacetsOnly function is called if available, asynchronously fetching the collection's facet data. If not available, it falls back to using the default facets from the collection.

4. Dashboard Configuration:

The getDashboardConfig function is used to retrieve any necessary configuration for the dashboard.

5. Defer Function:

The defer utility is used to return the data in a non-blocking manner, ensuring faster page load times.