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Transform To Shopify Structure Usage


transformToShopifyStructure Function

The transformToShopifyStructure function converts the ServerProduct[] array into a structure compatible with Shopify’s requirements. This is useful for transforming Fast Simon product data into a format that can be used directly within Shopify’s ecosystem.


  • ServerProduct[] The function expects an array of ServerProduct objects.

Return Object

The function returns a list of products in a format compatible with Shopify's product structure, enabling smooth integration into Shopify themes or apps.

Usage Example

const collection = await fastSimon.getSmartCollection({
props: {
categoryURL: '/collections/' + handle,
facetsRequired: true,
productsPerPage: 20,
categoryID: undefined,

if (!collection) {
throw new Response(`Collection ${handle} not found`, {
status: 404,
const transformed = transformToShopifyStructure(collection.items);


1. Fetching the Smart Collection:

The getSmartCollection function fetches a collection from Fast Simon based on the provided parameters like categoryURL, page, and sortBy.

2. Collection Validation:

A check is performed to ensure that the collection exists. If not, an error is thrown with a 404 status.

3. Transforming Data:

The transformToShopifyStructure function is called with the collection items. This transforms the raw data into the Shopify product structure, making it ready for integration into Shopify.