A/B Testing
Search and collections AB testing
Add the following global JS object to disable certain features before you initialize the SDK script
window.fastSDKOptions = {
ab_test_disable_merchandising: true, // if you wish to disable all merchandising
ab_test_disable_merchandising_strategies: true, // if you wish to disable merchandising strategies
ab_test_disable_merchandising_rules: true, //if you wish to disable merchandising rules
ab_test_disable_semantics: true, //if you wish to disable semantics search
ab_test_disable_search_personalization: true, //if you wish to disable search personalization
ab_test_disable_collection_personalization: true, //if you wish to disable collection personalization
ab_test_disable_recommendations_personalization: true, //if you wish to disable recommendations personalization
Upsell & Cross-sell Widgets AB testing
No need to do anything, the active Experiment at the dashboard will take affect
- if Widget Id is mapped the request will be send with the mapped one
- if Widget Id is mapped to be hidden, request wont send
AB testing for Upsell & Cross-sell widgets is possible only for widgets of the new kind (V-Next No-code)