Tracking Collection Page Views
This event tracks when a Shopper performed navigation to a collection page
interface PromoTile {
id: number;
name: string;
link: string;
thumbnail: string;
interface CollectionViewedEventData {
categoryID: string; // Required
query?: string; // Optional
narrowBy?: [string, string][]; // Optional
sortBy?: window.FastSimonSortBy; // Optional
products?: string[]; // Optional
promoTiles?: PromoTile[]; // Optional, should be passed in order to collect data about the promotiles
fromTurboLink?: boolean // Optional
// Example of sending a Collection Viewed event
eventName: window.FastSimonEventName.SmartCollectionPreformed,
data: {
categoryID: "1231", // Required
query: "summer dresses", // Optional
narrowBy: [["Color", "Red"], ["Size", "M"]], // Optional
sortBy: window.FastSimonSortBy.NewFirst, // Optional
products: ["123", "3424", "65656"], // Optional
fromTurboLink: "true" , // Optional if came from turbolink
promoTiles: [
id: 17289243295695228,
name: "15% Off Promo",
link: "",
thumbnail: ""
id: 17289243295695229,
name: "Buy 1 Get 1 Free",
link: "",
thumbnail: ""
] // Optional