Tracking PromoTile Selections From Different Pages
PromoTile Selection on the Search Result Page
This event tracks when a Shopper clicked on a PromoTile in search results page
- Ensure the SmartCollectionPerformed\SearchPerformed event is fired before tracking PromoTile clicks. (with promoTiles data)
eventName: window.FastSimonEventName.SerpPromoTileClicked,
data: {
query: "dog", // (Required)
productID: "11223344", // (Required)
position: 5, // counted from 1
imageID: "sada1231abc", // if using image optimization it will be included in the response
link:"", //link of the turbolink
thumbnail:"" //thumbnail of the turbolink
PromoTile Selection on the Collection Page
This event tracks when a Shopper clicked on a PromoTile in a collection page
eventName: window.FastSimonEventName.CollectionPromoTileClicked,
data: {
collectionID: "234234", // (Required)
productID: "11223344", // (Required)
position: 5, // counted from 1
query: undefined, // Default = Collection_Name
imageID:"sada1231abc", // if using image optimization it will be included in the response
link:"", //link of the turbolink
thumbnail:"" //thumbnail of the turbolink